Old Friends

So the whole of PD with the exception of the LNE shed and turntable is ready for inversion and wiring. That means we now have 3 modules in that condition. (PD platforms, PD throat, PD LMR and GWR MPDs). PLJ North is half complete as is PD NER MPD).

To mark this auspicious occasion, several old friends from 35 years ago have put in a (static) appearance.  At these distances and with the iPhone soft lens, hopefully nothing appears amiss, other than the complete lack of scenery!  Close-up they do not pass muster.

Far away in the distance a Pacific “Britannia” is being coaled at the sheds. Platform 4 (the platform used by the Manchester-Cardiff trains like the Welsh Riviera Express) sits empty, awaiting business.


In the Goods In line sits an old Hornby Ivatt 2MT with a set of (ex)SR sheep wagons. A few old blood and custard coaches lie abandoned in the carriage sidings. The WR railcar from Pwhelli saunters in on the way to Platform 1b.  Just visible in Platform 2 is the Pullman from Manchester in its Nanking Blue livery.  It looks like the dock needs some serious dredging!!


From the station throat. A Jinty tank waits for the Pullman to depart before moving the carriages in Platform 3 to the carriage sidings. A second Jinty is shunting in the Goods Out sidings



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