Now that the sheds have been built, the tracks can be aligned.
To allow the inspection pits to be placed, I had to rout out a quarter of an inch or so. So out came my Fostner bits again. Some minor rejiggering of the entrance to the North Light Shed was needed to smooth out the approach and get the spacing right – I’ll have to re-solder those shortly. I am waiting for extra inspection pits to complete the work at the old shed, but the slots are cut and the track cut to size.
The track on the extreme left at the turntable is going to be where the loco hoist crane (Peco kit) is going to live, the track will probably curve back to increase its length.
The two Jinty’s here are Hornby survivors that may spend a lot of time in the “scrap road”, this being 1962.
The “Britannia” has, as you can see had a rough life in boxes. I use it as my “Pacific” model to get things like inspection pit placement right.
So its on to the coaling tower to check I got that clearance right.