The gang’s all here
Now the Coaling tower is ready, we can get more of a sense of the visual layout of the sheds. On the left the old shed, then the turntable, the new North View Shed, the ash tower and the coaling tower….
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A should have been railway
Now the Coaling tower is ready, we can get more of a sense of the visual layout of the sheds. On the left the old shed, then the turntable, the new North View Shed, the ash tower and the coaling tower….
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Now that the sheds have been built, the tracks can be aligned. To allow the inspection pits to be placed, I had to rout out a quarter of an inch or so. So out came my Fostner bits again. Some minor…
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I have some old rolling-stock which doesn’t fit a Code 75 track. The wheels bump over the ops of the chairs and cause derailment at points and crossovers. A lot of it is 1970s Hornby, which I can update with new…
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With PD we expect to have a continuous flow of engines that need to be cared for at the end of a run and made ready for service quickly. A boat arrival/departure will generate at least 5 trains inbound within…
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PD will have three engine sheds The WR shed which holds banking and other engines for the line to Pwhelli The LMR “North Light” Shed that houses the engines after they have been watered, coaled and had the fire dropped turned…
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